Installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits

[…] Math scores went up by 0.20 standard deviations and English scores by 0.18 standard deviations […] this is comparable in scale to […] the potential benefits of smaller class sizes.” – Home Alone: A Post Incident Review

It’s so many things in one: a movie review, an intro to “post incident reviews,” a lesson into which kinds of precautions work and which don’t, and a reminder that things can still go wrong even when well prepped.

Ad Fontes Media rates media outlets according to their bias and reliability. 1) factual reporting has very slight left-leaning bias (see also “Facts Have a Well-Known Liberal Bias”) and consequently 2) it doesn’t seem to be possible to be reliable and biased at the same time.

In Hard to discover tips and apps for making macOS pleasant Tristan Hume says:

Chrome and Firefox have much better sounding audio resampling for watching videos on 1.5x or 2x speed. This is the only reason I don’t use Safari.

I just tried it and oh my is this true!

2020 Holiday Newsletter

For the past 4 years, just before the holidays, I’ve sent a newsletter to my colleagues about all the things I’ve read, watched, listened to, cooked, or ate in the last year. This is the 2020 edition.

The Christopher Alexander idea patch

Where I’m from, there are so many blueberries that people from that region are called bleuets. (The tourist info phone number is 1-877-BLEUETS (253-8387). You should go and visit.) When you go out to pick them (the blueberries, not the people) and you hit a patch with tons of them, we say “I found une talle!” That’s how it felt getting into Christopher Alexander’s ideas.

You might know of Alexander without realizing it. He’s considered as the father of the idea of design patterns, which were heavily inspired by his book architecture book A Pattern Language. Patterns are part of a larger process to solve design problems, from problem definitions, to solutions, to the evaluation of how good the solution is. It’s that larger process that I found interesting. He named the parts of the process context, form, and fit. In brief, the context is the problem to be solved together with its constraints. It’s totally independent of the solution. The form is the solution. It has a shape that fits the context more of less well. Once I had these words in my mind, I started seeing them everywhere.

Clay Christiensen’s Jobs-to-be-Done framework (from Competing Against Luck) is a way of defining product opportunities (jobs) as a context that can be fulfilled in many different ways. To get an idea of what that means, watch him telling the story of the job of a milkshake and how milkshakes compete with bananas, donuts, and bagels, and not with ice cream.

In Demand-Side Sales, Bob Moesta (who did the milkshake research) talks about selling from the buyer’s perspective, from their struggles, from their context. In contrast to selling from the supply-side, which talks about features and form words. I highly recommend this book.

On the programming side, unit testing has morphed into form testing, whereas the original intent was context testing. Behavior-driven development tried to get that spirit back. What I heard Ian Cooper say in his TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong talk was “Write context tests.”

Basecamp’s Shape Up is basically Alexander’s ideas applied to product development and management. It makes a clear distinction between shaping (defining the problem and the context) and doing the work (creating a form). Which in turns allows a new dimension of diagnosis when a project fails: was the project badly shaped or is it that the execution failed and form was a bad fit?

Ryan Singer, head of strategy at Basecamp, did a great intro to Alexander’s work this summer.

The Best Writing

Losing the War by Lee Sandlin is the best writing I read this year (and I read it on January 1, 2020). It’s an incredible essay on war (the Second World One), and memories. I found the “flow” to be exemplary with plenty of historical context and commentary. Well worth the time.

programming == cooking

I used to tell students that I was “teaching them how to fish.” But after reading Robin Sloan’s Home Cooked App, I’ve started telling people I’m teaching them how to cook. It’s a much richer analogy.

If you don’t know how to cook, you eat pre-packaged meals or you eat out (or you live with your mom forever). But there are tons of reasons to want to learn how to cook and tons of things to do once you’ve learned how. You can cook for health reasons, to please friends, to create the perfect version of something, as a creative output, because you’re picky, to make food you want to eat, because it’s fun. You can specialize and become a baker, or open a taco truck, or start a family restaurant, or run a fine-dining restaurant. You can teach others how to cook. In the end, you can still go out and eat if you want, you have a choice. There are so many reasons to learn to cook.

If you don’t know how to program (or how to reason about programming) you use apps you bought and hire consultants. But there are tons of reasons to want to learn how to program and tons of things to do once you’ve learned how. You can create little scripts to rename files, write notebooks to make custom analyzes, write an app to enable friends and colleagues to explore data like you can, write your own text editor (!) because vim is holding you back, because it’s fun. You can specialize and build deep learning models, or design data management systems, or build custom web apps, or start a scientific software development consultancy. You can teach others how to program. In the end, you can still hire consultants if you want, you have a choice. There are so many reasons to learn to program.


The Glamorous Toolkit is an impressive “moldable development environment”. I’d describe it as a strange hybrid between a notebook editor and an IDE. Any objects can have a rich and interactive representations, which is not new (to us), but the cool part is that it’s easy to dynamically add new rich representations to the development environment. Watch this talk by Tudor Gîrba to get a taste of what’s possible.

Simon Willison’s (co-creator of Django) Datasette is an impressive project to “explore and publish data”. It relies heavily on sqlite. I look forward to playing with it some more over the holidays. He’s done super cool things with it, including finding the best photo of a pelican according to Apple Photos, and building a regex search engine across a collection of Github repos using ripgrep.


I started many books this year, but didn’t finish that many:

  • Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows is a short introduction to “systems thinking,” their components (stocks, flows, feedback loops), common system configurations, common pitfalls/opportunities of those configurations, and leverage points to intervene in those systems. I had so many “Ah ha!” moments. Many about things I “knew” but hadn’t realized the consequences of. Like how “systems with similar feedback structures produce similar dynamic behaviors, even if the outward appearance of these systems is completely dissimilar.” For example, a population system (controlled by births and deaths) has a similar configuration as an economic capital system (controlled by investment and depreciation). Reading this book, it was so easy to think “Here’s a silver bullet!” but then she totally called me out on it:

    People who are raised in the industrial world and who get enthused about systems thinking are likely to make a terrible mistake. They are likely to assume that here, in systems analysis, in interconnection and complication, in the power of the computer, here at last, is the key to prediction and control. This mistake is likely because the mind-set of the industrial world assumes that there is a key to prediction and control.

  • Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst. Yes it’s a typography book, but it may also be the funniest thing I read all year. Bonus: the book itself is a beautiful object.

  • Lab Girl by Hope Jahren is a wonderful memoir of a “life in science.” She’s a good storyteller, telling a good story, about how the path to success in academia can be wild.

But I read a lot of good articles:

TYIL (This Year I Learned)

The Ouarzazate Solar Power Station melts salt by concentrating the power of 7400 parabolic mirrors towards a central tower. The molten salt is then used to superheat water and power steam-powered generators.

It’s possible to tell one’s position in the sea based on wave patterns. The 2016 NYT piece by Kim Tingley, The Secrets of the Wave Pilots, is an impressive testament of what our brains can perceive using our full bodies as sensors. See also these beautiful Marshall Islands navigation charts, and the Eagle Eyes Radiolab story about the vest David Eagleman is building to help deaf people hear.

Some Nice Pandemic things


I started making pizza just after the pandemic started. I can’t wait for it to be over to organize pizza parties. My source of knowledge is Ken Forkish’s Elements of Pizza. Using tipo 00 flour is worth it. So is a baking steel/stone.

Kenji Alt Lopez’s Serious Eats episode on emulsions has a really compelling demonstration of why you should put a surfactant in your emulsions. Now I put a little dollop of mustard in all my vinaigrettes.


My friend Matt shared some bardcore videos by Hildegard von Blingin’ earlier this year. Here’s Somebody That I Used To Know (Bardcore/Medieval Style Cover with Vocals). Bardcore is medieval renditions of pop songs. Obviously. So… the name Hildegard von Blingin’, is a reference to Hildegard von Bingen, an 11th century badass abbess, composer, and scientist (among others). In the early 2000, my mom gave me a CD by Garmarna, a Swedish band that does… electro-folk renditions of her 11th-century music. Hildegard von Blingin' = 1/Garmarna! Here’s one song and here’s the whole Garmarna album.

According to Spotify and, I’ve listened to 1,700+ different artists this year, 600 of which were new to me. I won’t give you the whole list, don’t worry. Although I do have a playlist of every album I liked in 2020 and one of only the best songs I listened to in 2020.

Here are my favorite albums released in 2020, in no particular order.

Here’s more great music I discovered this year but that wasn’t made this year.

I somehow ended up listening to a lot of Japanese indie music (for a lack of better term).


  • The Newsroom by Aaon Sorkin is the best series I watched this year. Great characters, surprisingly funny, great storylines and overall arc.
  • Ted Lasso is a close second.
  • Crictor makes wonderful short, really short, videos. Do watch Popcorn (15 sec) and Hanabi (fireworks in Japanese, a big 45 sec).
  • The Last Dance (Netflix), on Michael Jordan’s career was a riveting watch. I vividly remember the 1997 Utah game where Jordan “had the flu” and still scored 38 points. At the time, my English wasn’t so great and I remembered being puzzled by the fact that the announcer said Jordan had “the flu” (which in québécois basically means diarrhea). Well, I learned that he probably did have the runs! He didn’t have the flu, he had food poisoning from a bad pizza probably given to him by disgruntled Jazz fans. Take that, Jazz!
  • The Good Place (Netflix) is an unlikely great show about… philosophy. My favorite character is Jason Mendoza. I’d watch it again.
  • The West Wing: got me into Sorkin. I shed a tear during 5 of the first 5 episodes.
  • I was going to say that The Magicians was funny, smart, emotional, with a great cast, and a fantastic ending. But as I write this, I learned there’s a 5th season I didn’t know existed. So take my “great ending” comment with a grain of salt.

I just finished reading Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows. I believe sometimes one was to be “ready” to read a book. I must have been ready for this one because I had more “Holy sh!t” moments than any other book I’ve read in years.📚

Austin, TX, 8:15. Morning walk around the neighborhood. There are many good Halloween decorations, but this one is particularly entertaining. #adayinthelife

Given what happened to the other saguaro, it makes me fear that this one will fall too.

I took this photo of a saguaro a month ago. It had been partially burnt during the fires that happened north of Phoenix earlier this summer. This weekend I realized it had fallen. According to Wikipedia, saguaros grow their first arm around 75–100 years of age. 👋🌵😔

Custom URL Handler for Files With Unique IDs

Yesterday I read a series of posts on custom URL scheme handlers on the Zettelkasten forums. The handler registers itself to open links like zettel://202006061337, where the number is the unique ID of a zettel (here it’s a timestamp). I’m not sure everyone realized the magnitude of what that means.

Combining a custom URL with a unique ID means notes and links can become entirely independent from your apps. Only the handler needs to know about the apps you’re using.

That alone is very nice, but then I thought: URLs can have query parameters… That means I can have URLs like zettel://202006061337&edit that open in my text editor of choice: TextMate, BBEdit, WriteRoom, FoldingText, etc. Or zettel://202006061337&preview to open in Marked. Or I could even pick the app interactively with zettel://202006061337&pick.

Handling the ID alone is pretty easy since the common Zettelkasten-like apps respond to a URL scheme to search and open files. The Archive uses thearchive://match/ID, nvUltra uses x-nvultra://find/ID, and nvAlt uses nvalt://find/ID.

But how to open in a text editor or in Marked given only the ID? With Spotlight. I used mdfind -name ID to find the file. This could be further refined with the -onlyin FOLDER option but I didn’t need it. Then it’s a matter of calling open -a Marked FILEPATH.

There’s also a zettel://create special case that will create a new zettel with the current time stamp (YYYYMMDDHHMM). It’s always done with the default Zettelkasten app because the script doesn’t know where to write the file but the app does.

I wrote the handler in Applecript because it’s the easiest way I know to create something that macOS considers an “app” and that can therefore handle URLs.

The full script is below. To use it:

  1. Open Script Editor and paste the code below in a new file.
  2. [Optional] Modify values in the Configuration section to pick a different URL prefix, default Zettelkasten app URL, editor, and previewer. You can add as many apps as you’d like in the appChoices array.
  3. Save as “Application”. You can save it anywhere. Make sure none of the boxes are checked.
  4. Register the app as a URL handler. You can do it with the SwiftDefaultApps Preference pane, or using the instructions provided by Christian Tietze in the forums:
    • Locate the application file you just created
    • Right-click the app, select “Show Package Contents”
    • Inside, open Contents/Info.plist with a text editor
    • Paste the following bit of XML on a blank line right below the <dict> line. Replace zettel with the URL prefix you’ve chosen.
    • Launch the app to register the URL handler.
        <string>Zettel Link Opener</string>

Here’s the full script:

-- Zettel Link Opener
-- Created by Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc
-- Source:
-- URL Handler for zettelkasten unique IDs, e.g., zettel://202006061017
-- Handles options after the ID to open different apps:
--    zettel://202006061017&edit to open is a text editor like TextMate
--    zettel://202006061017&preview to open in a preview app like Marked
--    zettel://202006061017&pick to open a menu of apps to pick from

-- URL prefix for your custom URL, e.g. zettel://ZETTEL_ID
property urlPrefix : "zettel"

-- Default URL to call to open a note with a given ID. The ID will be appended
property defaultZkAppUrl : "thearchive://match/"
--property defaultZkAppUrl : "nvalt://find/"
--property defaultZkAppUrl : "x-nvultra://find/"

-- URL to use to create a new zettle with the current timestamp YYYYMMDDHHMM
property urlForCreation : "thearchive://matchOrCreate/"
--property urlForCreation : "nvalt://make?txt="
--property urlForCreation : "x-nvultra://make?txt="

-- Apps to use for the different query parameters
property editApp : "FoldingText" -- App to used with "&edit" query parameter
property previewApp : "Marked" -- App to used with "&preview" query parameter 

-- List of app to display in the menu with with &pick query option
-- The apps will appear in the order defined here
property appChoices : {defaultZkAppUrl, editApp, previewApp, "TextMate"}
property defaultApp : {defaultZkAppUrl}

on splitText(theText, theDelimiter)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	set theTextItems to every text item of theText
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	return theTextItems
end splitText

on removeUrlPrefix(original)
	-- Remove URL prefix so we're left with only the ID and the optional query parameter
	return do shell script "echo " & quoted form of original & " | sed 's;" & urlPrefix & "://;;'"
end removeUrlPrefix

on getIdAndOption(resouceAndQuery)
	-- Split the zettel ID and the optional parameter
	-- For example 202006061012&edit or 202006061012&preview
	set theItems to splitText(resouceAndQuery, "&")
	if length of theItems is 1 then
		-- Append an empty string if there's no option so this
		-- function always returns an array of 2 elements
		copy "" to the end of theItems
	end if
	return theItems
end getIdAndOption

on findFilepath(zk_id)
	-- Finds the filepath using Spotlight.
	-- It's easier than finding the proper filename given only the zettel ID
	return do shell script "mdfind -name " & zk_id
end findFilepath

on createZettel()
	set newZkId to do shell script "date +'%Y%m%d%H%M'"
	do shell script "open " & urlForCreation & newZkId
end createZettel

on openInChoosenApp(zkId, zkFilepath)
	--	From Simple List Handler by Patrick Welker <>
	-- Promp the use for the app to use
	set selectedApp to item 1 of (choose from list the appChoices with title "Available App" with prompt "Which app do you want to use?" default items defaultApp)
	if selectedApp is false then
		-- Exit prematurly if the user clicked Cancel
		error number -128
	end if
	-- Open the URL directly, or open by app name
	if selectedApp contains "://" then
		do shell script "open " & selectedApp & zkId
		do shell script "open -a " & selectedApp & " " & quoted form of zkFilepath
	end if
end openInChoosenApp

on open location thisURL
	set resouceAndQuery to removeUrlPrefix(thisURL)
	set idAndOption to getIdAndOption(resouceAndQuery)
	set zkId to item 1 of idAndOption
	if zkId is "create" then
	end if
	set zkFilepath to findFilepath(zkId)
	if item 2 of idAndOption is "edit" then
		do shell script "open -a " & editApp & " " & quoted form of zkFilepath
		-- Exit the script immediately so we don't also open in the default app
	else if item 2 of idAndOption is "preview" then
		do shell script "open -a " & previewApp & " " & quoted form of zkFilepath
		-- Exit the script immediately so we don't also open in the default app(
	else if item 2 of idAndOption is "pick" then
		openInChoosenApp(zkId, zkFilepath)
	end if
	-- Fall back to the default handler if there was no option
	-- or the option was invalid
	do shell script "open " & defaultZkAppUrl & zkId
end open location