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Hi, I’m Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc.

I’m currently a full-time papa.

Most recently, I was Director of Operations at Enthought. Before that, I was, in reverse chronological order, VP of the Digital Transformation Solutions group, Director of Training Solutions group, and a Lead Trainer and Scientific Software Developer. As a trainer, I taught mainly the scientific and data science stacks, e.g. NumPy, SciPy, pandas, scikit-learn, seaborn, matplotlib, etc. In a previous life I did a PhD in Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark. I worked on speech intelligibility modeling, which means I tried to model how we understand speech in difficult situations. I’ve written a few papers and posters about that. My orcid is 0000-0001-6609-6023.

I also wrote a Python package for auditory modeling called pambox. It stands for Python auditory modeling toolbox.

I’m interested in fostering environments where people can do their best work. I enjoy programming, reading, climbing in general and bouldering in particular, and photography.

Once upon a time, I kept a blog in French called Youskié Chabot? (roughly “Where is Chabot?”) where I chronicled my adventures.

Follow me on, I’m @AlexChabot.