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My PhD thesis contains all the papers marked with a * below. And I can’t say my master’s thesis was world-changing, but you can download it too.

Peer-reviewed articles

  • * Chabot-Leclerc, A., MacDonald, E. N., and Dau, T. (2016), “Predicting binaural speech intelligibility using the signal-to-noise ratio in the envelope power domain,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 pp. 192–205. 10.1121/1.4954254. PDF
  • * Chabot-Leclerc, A., Jørgensen, S., and Dau, T. (2015), “The role of auditory spectro-temporal modulation filtering and the decision metric for speech intelligibility prediction,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 pp. 3502-3512. 10.1121/1.4954254.

Conference papers

  • * Chabot-Leclerc, A., MacDonald, E. N. and Dau, T. (2015). “Predicting masking release of lateralized speech,” Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, ISAAR. Poster.
  • * Chabot-Leclerc, A. and Dau, T. (2014), “Predicting speech release from masking through spatial separation in distance,” Proc. 7th Forum Acust SS16_17. Paper
  • Chabot-Leclerc, A., Jørgensen, S. and Dau, T. (2013), “The role of across-frequency envelope processing for speech intelligibility,” ICA Montreal, POMA 19 060128. 10.1121/1.4799026. Poster.

Conference abstracts

  • Relaño-Iborra, H., Chabot-Leclerc, A., Scheidiger, C., Zaar, J., and Dau, T. (2017) “The speech-based envelope power spectrum model (sEPSM) family: Development, achievements, and current challenges,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141 pp. 3970–3970. 10.1121/1.4989047
  • Chabot-Leclerc, A. (2014), “PAMBOX: A Python auditory modeling toolbox”, EuroScipy. Poster. Package.