2018 Holiday Newsletter

This is the 2nd installment of an email I sent to my Enthought colleagues just before the Christmas holidays. The other installment is 2017.

Hi everyone,

This is installment #2 of Alex’s annual Holidays newsletter. I decided to send it company-wide this year. It’s a collection of interesting reads/listens/watchs I “consumed” this year.

Programming & Technology

Getting better at it:

I found out what people meant by level up about three and a half years into my programming career when I played my first game of Dungeons and Dragons. […] It sounds like most folks picture leveling up as a little avatar of themselves advancing up a ladder of 20 levels, moving up to the next rung incrementally as they gain experience. This creates this visual of our skills improving linearly with our time spent in tech. I’ll henceforth call this the ladder interpretation.

I pictured, instead, what I will call the derivative interpretation. It comprises a series of maybe three levels.

  • Level One: Getting better, adding skills
  • Level Two: Improving at getting better/adding skills
  • Level Three: Getting better techniques for improving at getting better/adding skills

I think if there’s one technology we should be “concerned” or excited about, as Python users, it’s Javascript (there are many reasons to be afraid, I know). This year, Michael Droettboom compiled NumPy to WebAssembly. The project is called pyodide


As a newly minted manager, I read quite a few management books this year. Here are my favorites. I highly recommend reading Managing Humans, even if you’re not a manager.

  • First Time Manager: A high-level overview of what the new responsibilities are.
  • Managing Humans by Michael Lopp aka Rands. Now at Slack, previously at Palantir and Apple, he is an amazing storyteller. The story form also makes the lessons stick better.
  • High Output Management by Andy Grove, Intel CEO. Ian Tien wrote a good summary. It’s often quoted as the source of much of modern management in tech companies.
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni. It’s a fable about management and leading a team. It’s a bit corny, and yet it was a page-turner.
  • It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques from the Best Damn Ship in the Navy by D. Michael Abrashoff. Don’t let the title (and the cover) fool you, it’s great. Not all lessons apply to the Enthought, but it’s amazing what he managed to do in the Navy.



You know, there has to be a section about podcasts!

  • This American Life - NUMMI: It’s from a few years back but it’s relevant to us, to what Enthought is doing with JSR/TEL/AK/Exxon. It’s the story of the NUMMI plant, a joint venture between GM and Toyota, of the transformative experience of the immersion process, and about what do to with the people who did not go through the immersion process.
  • New York Times - The Caliphate a fascinating story by Brokmini, who’s been following ISIS for years. It should be more widely known. It’s leaps and bounds better than Serial.
  • 99% Invisible - 330 - Raccoon Resistance on the design of Toronto’s raccoons-resistant compost bins. 99pi at its best. Funny and informative.
  • The Dollop - 342 - The John Paul Getty’s: a hysterical account of the Getty family (yes, the museum Getty’s).
  • The knowledge project - The Kids are Worth It with Barbara Coloroso. I’m not a parent, but if I were I’d probably re-listen to this once a week until my kids are 18.
  • Limetown, season 2, and 1! The best “radio-drama” I’ve listened to. Season 2 started on Halloween this year and it’s now over. You can binge listen to it while walking on dark Albuquerque streets at night and freak out!
  • Reply All - 131 - Surefire Investigations, a Yes-Yes-No that showcases Gritty, the new Philly Flyers’ mascot.
  • Reply All - 114 - Apocalypse Soon: 2018 started strong.


Things I learned

Don’t use sed to replace spaces with new lines, use tr instead. (tr ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ < input_file), and join newlines with paste (paste -s -d ‘ ‘ < input_file)

On macOS, increase your keyboard repeat speed with defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1 # normal minimum is 2 (30 ms)


  • Kakoune, code editor
  • Kitty, a terminal emulator
  • Feedbin, an RSS read that gives you a customer email to subscribe to newsletters. Game changer.


Highlight from Trainer reports

[…] led us to discover a bug in IE. The crux of the issue is that cowsay uses angle brackets in its speech bubble, leading to text that looks like:

< moo >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Internet Explorer interprets the “< moo >” as an unclosed html element, which breaks its rendering of the page. Both Firefox and Chrome ignore moo tags.

Both Firefox and Chrome ignore <moo> tags.

Happy Holidays!


Manually Merging Day One Journals

My first Day One entry is from January 24, 2012. I used it often to take note about what I was doing during my PhD with the #wwid tag (what was I doing, an idea from Brett Terpstra, I think), and sometimes to clarify some thoughts.

When Day One went The Way of the Subscription, I didn’t bother too much because Dropbox sync still worked. Until it didn’t. I somehow didn’t realized it and kept adding entries to both the iOS and the macOS versions. Not good. It’s been on my to do list for a while to find a way to merge the two journals. I could probably subscribe to the Day One sync service and have it figure out the merging but I didn’t want to subscribe just for that.

I learned somewhere that Day One 2 could export journals as a folder of photos and a JSON file. I figure I could probably write a script to do the merging. So I downloaded Day One 2 on my iPhone and Mac, imported my Day One Classic journals, exported them as JSON to a folder on my Mac, and unzipped them. I also created a merged/ folder where to put the merged journal. The hierarchy looks like this:

$ tree -L 2
├── Journal-JSON-ios/
│   ├── Journal.json
│   └── photos/
├── Journal-JSON-ios.zip
├── Journal-JSON-mac/
│   ├── Journal.json
│   └── photos/
├── Journal-JSON-mac.zip
├── merge_journals.py
└── merged/

I first copied the photo folder from Journal-JSON-ios/ to merged/ and the photos from Journal-JSON-mac/photos/. I was pretty confident that I would end up with the union of all the photos because Day One uses UUIDs to identify each photo. The -n option to cp prevents overwriting files.

$ cp -r Journal-JSON-ios/photos merged/
$ cp -n Journal-JSON-mac/photos merged/photos/

I then ran the merge_journals.py script (below) to do a similar merge of the entries, based on the UUIDs. The merging happens by building a dictionary with UUID of each entry as the key and the entry itself as the value. It’s two loops over the iOS and the macOS entries. Entries with the same UUID should have the same contents, unless I’ve edited some metadata on one platform but not the other. I’m not too worried about that.

The output dictionary will be written to the Journal.json file. The entries are sorted chronologically because that’s how it was in the exported journal files, but I doubt it matters.

The output dictionary is written to disk without enforcing the conversion to ASCII since the exported journals are encoded using UTF-8. The indent is there to make the output more readable and diff-able with the exported journals.

import json

with open('./Journal-JSON-ios/Journal.json') as f:
    ios = json.load(f)
with open('./Journal-JSON-mac/Journal.json') as f:
    mac = json.load(f)

# Extract and merge UUIDs
uniques = {entry['uuid']: entry for entry in ios['entries']}
for entry in mac['entries']:
    uniques[entry['uuid']] = entry

# Create the output JSON data structure
output = {}
output['metadata'] = mac['metadata']
output['entries'] = list(uniques.values())
# I'm not sure it matters, but Day One usually exports the entries
# in chronological order
output['entries'].sort(key=lambda e: e['creationDate'])

# ensure_ascii print unicode characters as-is.
with open('merged/Journal.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    json.dump(output, f, indent=True, ensure_ascii=False)

The last step is to zip the journal and photos together, which tripped me up a few times. The Journal.json and the photos/ folder must be at the top level of the archive, so I zip the file from within the merged/ folder and then move it back up one level.

$ cd merged
$ zip -r merged.zip *
$ mv merged.zip ..

I could then import merged.zip in Day One, which created a new Journal, and delete the old one.

I guess I could somewhat automate this to roll my own, DIY, sync between versions of Day One, but I’d rather pay them money once I decide to use Day One frequently again. Still, I really appreciate that the Day One developers picked formats that could be manipulated so easily.

2017 Holiday Newsletter

This is the first installment of what became a yearly email I sent to my colleagues at Enthought.

Hi everyone,
I’ve been collecting these things for a while with the intent of sharing with some of you, but I decided why not share them with more people. I thought now’s a good time because you will maybe have some time during the holidays. It’s a grab bag of interesting things. Some of them are tangentially related to what we do here, some others not at all. I hope you find one or two good ones.

Happy Holidays,


Some great podcasts episodes:
- This episode of The Knowledge Project with Naval Ravikant, CEO and co-founder of AngelList.
- This two-part series from Reply All. A a telephone scammer makes a terrible mistake. He calls Alex Goldman. Seriously, listen to part 1. And then there will be part 2.
- The Dollop talks about Uber. You probably know how terrible they are, but they’re terribler than that.
- And an “old” one, one of my favorite 99% Invisible episodes. It’s about high heels.

Blogs and particular posts

Loren Shure is probably the most well known public face of The MathWorks. She’s been blogging forever about “cool things one can do with MATLAB”, or nice features of MATLAB. It runs every two weeks. I think it’s a great example of content marketing.

A nice application of the Heath brothers’ “SUCCESS” approach from “Made to Stick” (Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotion, Story) and how it applies to teaching: How to break the first rule of systems thinking | thinkpurpose.

Some articles about leadership, from the great Michael Lopp, aka Rands, who was a manager at Apple, Palantir, Pinterest, and now Slack. Also the author of “Managing Humans” and the “The Nerd Handbook”. Here are some recent good posts. His Don’t Skip This is also a good place to start.

Laurel Norris wrote a great post on “Working-Learning Research” called Robust Responses to Open-Ended Questions. It’s a bit of a sales pitch for SmileSheets.com, but it’s convincing. It’s about picking good questions for post-presentation and post-class surveys.

This article by Marc Cranney from Andreesen-Horowitz provides an interesting framework for doing enterprise sales. I particularly liked how the language changes when one targets executives vs VP/directors vs group leads/regular employees.

Joey H is the developer of git-annex, was a core contributor to Debian, writes a really interesting blog, and lives off-grid in the North East (he used to live in a yurt). He wrote this really nice post about finding old bitcoins, and receiving positive user feedback. Here’s what he added at the end of his bug report template: “Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil’ positive end note does wonders)”. He shares some of the replies.


New Directions in Open Education is the transcript of a Keynote Mike Caulfield gave at Metropolitan State’s TLTS conference in Denver, CO. Here are my notes from the talk:

  1. The student’s sense of belonging is extremely important. Belonging increases engagement and enhances learning. Belonging is affected by how the class is taught, but also by the class content. The material should be targeted to the audience. A drawing class to kids who like manga should be about manga, not renaissance painters. The students should be able to relate to the materials.
  2. Students should be able to share the result of their work. It gives them an audience, and then their output can itself be used as teaching materials. He mentions a class where students had to do an assignment (do something that makes you uncomfortable and then write about your experience and why you were uncomfortable) and post the results in a bank of assignment outcomes. The next batch of students could see those assignments and either “replicate them” (do the same thing that makes them uncomfortable) or simply get inspired. If they choose to replicate an assignment, then we get two “solutions” to the same assignment. If they choose to do something else, the assignment bank just got bigger. That’s genius!

Again, this is what I think about, when I think of this human core of open:

  1. We are encouraged to modify materials to create a sense of local belonging
  2. We use the power of the open internet to create work that is relevant and impactful, with a real audience
  3. We see the diversity of our students not as challenge to be solved, but as potential to be tapped

By far the best thing I’ve seen at Disney World so far.

Bread #2.

The Modern, Fort Worth.

The weight of the world.

By Giacometti.

There’s sometimes action out of my window.

Got a new room, with view on the East River. Much upgrade.

Wind tunnel model. Most beautiful item at the Musée des Confluence.

Anna going a bit overboard: crunchy speculoos, crème fraîche, and… maple syrup.

Party prep (Marshmallows + Jello powder)

Place des moulins, Marseille.

“The Cloud” of Lyon’s Musée des Confluences, seen from the roof.

A holiday sight.

Ball and bridge.

At Copenhagen Street Food. (Yes, here, street food is a place.)


Making spruce beer, attempt #2.

Slovenian/Italian “rainy day”. Imagine how nice it is when it’s sunny.

“New” Carlsberg’s cellars.